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Black & White > Dragons Exalted > 89
Released: 2012/08/15
Gible > Gabite > GarchompArtist: Kagemaru Himeno
Dragonslice - 20
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a Dragon Pokémon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Win Rate:
Win Rate: 77%20-6-0
Win Rate: 75%24-6-2
Win Rate: 69%60-24-3
Win Rate: 66%21-10-1
Win Rate: 66%19-10-0
Win Rate: 65%55-27-2
Win Rate: 65%41-21-1
Win Rate: 64%16-9-0
Win Rate: 63%58-33-1
Win Rate: 61%19-11-1
Win Rate: 61%36-22-1
Win Rate: 61%14-9-0