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Scarlet & Violet > Paldea Evolved > 55
Released: 2023/06/09
Cetoddle > CetitanArtist: Pani Kobayashi
Icicle Missile - 50
Special Horn - 80+
If this Pokémon has any Special Energy attached, this attack does 140 more damage.
Win Rate: 53%
Win Rate: 81%13-2-1
Win Rate: 81%13-2-1
Win Rate: 76%16-4-1
Win Rate: 73%11-4-0
Win Rate: 73%19-6-1
Win Rate: 73%16-6-0
Win Rate: 70%14-5-1
Win Rate: 68%13-5-1
Win Rate: 68%19-7-2
Win Rate: 68%19-7-2
Win Rate: 67%31-12-3
Win Rate: 65%11-6-0