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Sword & Shield > Shining Fates > 42
Released: 2021/02/19
Koffing > Galarian WeezingArtist: Mitsuhiro Arita
Severe Poison
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned. Put 4 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokémon during Pokémon Checkup.
As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, your opponent's Pokémon in play have no Abilities, except for Neutralizing Gas.
Win Rate: 49%
Win Rate: 63%89-51-1
Win Rate: 59%678-460-14
Win Rate: 59%30-20-1
Win Rate: 59%44-31-0
Win Rate: 58%342-241-9
Win Rate: 56%251-183-11
Win Rate: 56%583-439-17
Win Rate: 55%692-544-17
Win Rate: 55%1311-1031-35
Win Rate: 55%189-149-6
Win Rate: 55%78-62-2
Win Rate: 55%1464-1176-43