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XY > Ancient Origins > 3
Released: 2015/08/12
Gloom > VileplumeArtist: Midori Harada
Solar Beam - 70
Each player can't play any Item cards from his or her hand.
Win Rate: 32%
Win Rate: 61%11-7-0
Win Rate: 61%17-11-0
Win Rate: 59%10-7-0
Win Rate: 59%10-7-0
Win Rate: 57%17-13-0
Win Rate: 53%9-8-0
Win Rate: 50%11-11-0
Win Rate: 49%18-19-0
Win Rate: 45%9-11-0
Win Rate: 45%13-16-0
Win Rate: 44%11-14-0
Win Rate: 44%11-14-0