Klara is the namesake of this deck due to the key role it plays in recycling the high value Pokemon Lightning plays like Luxray, the Dynamotor twins, Raikou and even Zapdos. Klara enables crucial plays from nowhere. High-Voltage Electivire shines in this spread-focused Lightning deck. This is the normal cast of Lightning attackers with Electivire swapped out. Thanks to the addition of Swelling Flash Luxray, and the fact that spread decks are normally behind on prizes, this deck has a real fighting chance even against bench barrier decks. Luxray can clean up high HP walls after Tapu Koko and Electivire spread some damage, while Raikou can straight up win games like normal.
Created: 2023/7/20
Version: 5
Views: 876
Changes occurred: 2024/6/11 8:06 PM
Version 4 => 5 Changelog
Changes occurred: 2024/6/11 8:06 PM