Archetype that introduced me to CBW and Discord in general, almost a year ago to this day! If you know me, you may be surprised to see me pilot a deck like this. But when you dissect the list, it makes so much sense. My win con is flipping a bunch of heads, milling your deck to zero cards with Gyarados and Wugtrio There is an array of tools and gadgets to help me get there. Glimwood tangle and Trick coin allow me to re flip when I’m not satisfied from my milling attack for turn. I get extra support from cards like BBM and Sisters, Feraligatr + Will combo, etc. Calling the deck “good” when it’s fortune based is not fair, but it’s so much fun flipping coins all game and makes for super fun interaction with your opponent. How can they be mad if you just flip a bunch of heads, yanno? At worst if you set up, win or lose you will have a great time I’ve had the deck built for around a year and a half, but gutted it when I needed the “core” cards for other decks. Key new inclusions are Lux cape, Poffin, Arven, and Max potion by default. Being able to heal, recour and/or abuse counter catcher galar mine trapping feels really strong into a lot of arcs these days. I wouldn’t call the list refined, or solved. I previously had Slowking memory melt plus Wally , but I wanted the Gatr line to strengthen my win condition potentially. There’s around 20 cards in the back of the deck box that I’m always thinking about, but this is what I’ve been playing for about a month or two now! There may be slight changes from my 57-60 spots but the stage is set with this shell. I don’t like Bama, but Roll Tide!
Created: 2024/7/11
Version: 10
Views: 895
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Changes occurred: 2025/2/23 1:12 AM
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Changes occurred: 2025/2/23 1:12 AM