This deck is built around attacking with Kyogre to pick apart your opponents board. It is efficient on energies, but usually needs to nessa twice per longer game. Palafin is an attacker that can be charged up without relying on abilities. Can OHKO most Pokémon in the format and his spread can clean up missed KOs from inteleon or kyogre (against lux caped Pokémon) I took this list to Baltimore Pokecon and placed 3rd overall and 4-1 during Swiss rounds. Losing to lightning in the semi-finals.
Created: 2023/12/20
Version: 20
Views: 345
Grid Columns
Changes occurred: 2024/12/2 6:33 AM
Version 19 => 20 Changelog
Changes occurred: 2024/12/2 6:33 AM