EDIT: It is official. You can run 9 Pikachu unequivocally in GLC. I helped implement Pikachu Libre myself. It was worth it. Enjoy losing games as I have. If you do, you may win once as I did too.
So it's come to this. I asked the question "What decks in GLC can run more than 1 of the same Pokemon?". We came to real options like Castform and Kyurem, and a number of humorous ones like Mightyena with Team Aqua and Magma. Or perhaps the Shining Pokemon. But what's this? 8 PIKACHU? EIGHT? I had to know--just how bad would such a deck be.
The answer is terrible. I think this is THE worst GLC deck. I certainly hope so anyway. That said, with the help of TheElvenEspio and Jaboingus we had tried to extract the best from the worst. We really tried. Do not play it. If you do, proxy the whole thing and dispose of it afterward. But now you know, zmancuddles.
Blasphemous, to include Pokemon other than the Pikachu line, I know. Pikachu isn't the toughest Pokemon, nor the strongest, nor even the fastest. Pikachu is only able to be the best thanks to help from its friends. It's time Pikachu and Pals reached their full potential.
By the way I make, and make public, actually good metal decks (and bad ones). Go look at those instead.
Created: 2024/2/27
Version: 9
Views: 758
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Changes occurred: 2025/2/5 5:10 AM
Version 8 => 9 Changelog
Changes occurred: 2025/2/5 5:10 AM