The latest news and updates from the Pokemon TCG Gym Leader Challenge landscape. Find format updates, deck lists, set news and more right here!
Tournament News
Journey Together Release Weekend GLC Prep
Full Grip Games is starting up their release weekend events with the release of Journey Together. Make sure you are prepared on how the meta will shift!
Tournament Results
A GLC Conquest Primer
Check out the Good Games Chicago crew's GLC Conquest best practices!
Set Review
Prismatic Evolutions
Wheatr here with a quick review of the GLC cards from Prismatic Evolutions!
Tournament Recap
LAIC 2025 - GLC Switch Series Recap
TPCi ran another GLC Switch Series event, and Brunno Neves gives us some insight on the event!
Brunno Nevs
Surging Sparks Set Review
Lucarin broke down the newest set, Surging Sparks, for all its potential GLC relevance. Not much here, but we've covered every angle!
2024 Baltimore GLC Recap
This unofficial Baltimore GLC event had 51 players and a great metagame. Read more to find out which types performed the best and which archetype took home first place!
Night Wanderer and Stellar Miracle Set Review
Check out Lucarin's Gym Leader Challenge set review of the Japanese sets Night Wanderer and Stellar Miracle! There are plenty of interesting new cards to play in GLC.
2024 Summer Championship Recap
The Summer Championship had 32 players, 5 rounds of Swiss and a Top 4 cut of exciting action! There were some heavy hitters in meta. Read further to find out what happened!
Deck Building
Pokémon Recovery in Gym Leader Challenge: Choosing the Best Options for Your Deck
Geffrey is back with another great article. This time he talks about the available pool of recovery cards in Gym Leader Challenge and how to pick the right ones for your deck!
Geffrey Van der Veken
NAIC 2024 - GLC Switch Series Recap
The first official GLC tournament had 168 and an exciting meta. It was a spectacular event - check here to see the Top 8 and get feedback from the players themselves!
Metagame Analysis
What would actually happen to Colorless if Snorlax LOR was banned?
Not many days go by without GLC players debating whether Snorlax or another card in Colorless should be banned for various reasons. The real question is, would a ban actually fix the problem? Or would a ban on Snorlax be relatively pointless? Let's find out!
Twilight Masquerade GLC Set Review
Lucarin nailed it once again with his review of the upcoming Twilight Masquerade set. Find out what GLC cards to keep an eye out for!
CardBoard Warriors GLC Spring Championship - $100 Prize Pool!
We are hosting the biggest GLC tournament of all time on April 28th, 2024. Join us and battle for the prize pool and the championship!
Ruling Update
The Salvatore Ruling and You, or: “Things to Check Before You Search Your Deck”
A new Salvatore ruling was recently released in the Pokemon Compendium. It has some key changes for Gym Leader Challenge - most notably that the game state knows what type you're playing!
Subject 00-147
Deck Tech
Building a Gym Leader Challenge Deck List: Improving Consistency (3/3)
Ever wondered how to start building a deck list for Gym Leader Challenge? Phoenixfire demonstrates how to build consistent decks with some helpful tips and tricks.
Cyber Judge and Wild Force: Gym Leader Challenge Set Review
Lucarin back with another great review of all the upcoming GLC relevant cards from the newly released Japanese sets, Cyber Judge and Wild Force!
Building a Gym Leader Challenge Deck List: Finding Synergy (2/3)
Ever wondered how to start building a deck list for Gym Leader Challenge? Wheatr explains how to take your list and make it function together better.
Meta Analysis
GLC - 2023 Year in Review
Exciting things happened in 2023 for GLC. Many things have changed, how it's played, where it's played, and what the most powerful cards and decks are. Let's take a look at some of the biggest things that happened in GLC in 2023!
Building a Gym Leader Challenge Deck List: Where to Start? (1/3)
Ever wondered how to start building a deck list for Gym Leader Challenge? Subject takes us through his process for beginning the process and how to turn your ideas into reality.
Paradox Rift GLC Set Review
Lucarin has us covered with a full set review of Paradox Rift! It is jam-packed full of GLC goodies - catch up before your pre-release so you know what to look for!
Top GLC Meta Decks - Part 2
Looking for the top performing decks in the format? Look no further! PhoenixFire is here with a meta-analysis of the best decks for each type in this two part series!
Top GLC Meta Decks - Part 1
Raging Surf Set Review
Lucarin broke down the newest Japanese set for all its potential GLC relevance. Not much here, but we've covered every angle!
Asynchronous GLC League
Competitive GLC - whenever you want!
Top 10 Most Overrated Cards in GLC
Just like there are underused cards in GLC, there are several overused cards that are more niche than they appear at first glance. Come check out my thoughts and opinions about some of these cards!
Ruler of the Black Flame Set Review
Check out Lucarin's Gym Leader Challenge set review of the upcoming Japanese set, Ruler of the Black Flame! There are plenty of interesting new cards to play in GLC.
Scarlet & Violet 151 Set Review
Lucarin gives us an amazing set review of the special set Pokemon Card 151 recently released in Japan. It's a great read, catch up on all the GLC relevant cards here!
CardBoard Warriors GLC Season 3
We are launching the third season of our Gym Leader Challenge competition. Compete to see who is the very best! Become a gym leader, or even enter the CardBoard Warriors Hall of Fame!
Paldea Evolved GLC Set Review
On June 9th, the format we know as Gym Leader Challenge will change forever with Paldea Evolved. There's several format-changing cards for GLC in this new set, and some will be played in almost every single deck going forward.
Top 10 Most Underrated Cards in GLC
In such a diverse format as GLC, there are tons of powerful cards that go under the radar and aren't played as much as they should. Come and check out some of my favorites from these underused cards!
Meta Snapshot
Gym Leader Challenge in the Prehistoric Age
Crown Zenith took us back to the prehistoric age with the rise of Archeops. Archeops lists dominated the meta, but overall, GLC was fantastic during the Crown Zenith season.
Scarlet & Violet GLC Set Review
A very exciting time is coming up soon on March 31, the release of Scarlet and Violet! Come check out some of the best cards and combinations from the new set!
Set Reveals
The First Snow Hazard and Clay Burst Reveals!
The recent announcement and first reveals from the sets Snow Hazard and Clay Burst will have a lasting impact on Gym Leader Challenge. We recapped the most important cards in this article.`
January 2023 GLC Meta Snapshot
January was a month full of Colorless domination and new appearances by really cool and unique decks!
Top 5 GLC Cards from Crown Zenith
Crown Zenith is releasing on January 20th, and though it's a smaller set, there is plenty to get excited about for Gym Leader Challenge!
Looking back at 2022 in GLC
2022 was a great year for GLC, and Dragon was the winningest type! Let me show you what the stats say about the communities favorite and most effective Pokemon, Types and Trainers.
Meta Review
Gym Leader Challenge; Beginnings in Review
JeoshuaObladi reviews the first year and a half of GLC to show how far we've come, and to look back at some of the biggest changes and best additions
Silver Tempest Set Review
The newest set of cards brings a large variety of interesting cards into the GLC format. New archetypes and old ones boosted, it should be a lot of fun!
Competitive Events
Baltimore Regionals Review
Our friend Bcevasco attended the 2022 Baltimore Regionals to play GLC. He wrote up a great summary of the experience and what he saw at the tables!
European Leaderboard Season 1 Coming to an End
It's been an exciting season of Gym Leader Challenge tournaments. With one tournament left to go, find out what it will take to make the European finals.
2022 Pokémon GLC World Championships Review
Check out our 2022 Pokémon Worlds Rundown with PumpkaAmy, Jesse Parker and Yoshi share their thoughts about the experience, the Gym Leader Challenge side events and more!
Lost Origin Set Review
We've covered the most impactful cards releasing in the new Lost Origin set. Prepare for Gym Leader Challenge to change forever!
Mid-Season Breakdown
Season 1, Summer Slam and finals updates.
Adam Knight
Gym Leader Challenge 1K Rundown
Leo #1, Kyogre mirror, best decks, meta breakdown, metal top seed and more
CardBoard Warriors Season 1
We are launching the first season of our Gym Leader Challenge competition. Compete to see who is the very best! Become a gym leader, or even enter the CardBoard Warriors Hall of Fame!
Reviewing the Pokemon GO Set
The new Pokemon Go set will change the landscape of the Pokemon TCG Gym Leader Challenge format.